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About Us

Focus Sourcing India has a diverse range of experience in the sourcing industry, covering various product categories like home textiles, home decor, rugs, furniture, apparel and accessories. With 17 years of industry experience, our company has developed strong supplier networks and gained valuable insights into international markets and customer preferences.


With such a wide range of product categories and the capability to manufacture in-house, Focus Sourcing India can offer a comprehensive sourcing solution to international clients, catering to their diverse needs and preferences. The combination of experience, quality awareness, and in-house manufacturing can help build trust and confidence among your international customers.

The ability to manufacture home textile products in-house is a significant advantage. This capability allows for better control over product quality, production timelines, and customization options for international clients. Being well aware of the quality standards required for the export market further strengthens your position as a reliable sourcing partner.


To further enhance your competitive advantage and maintain success in the industry, it's essential to stay up-to-date with the latest trends, design preferences, and sustainable practices in each product category. Continuously improving sourcing strategies, expanding supplier networks, and providing exceptional customer service will also be crucial in building and sustaining strong relationships with international clients.

Image by Vitalijs Barilo
City Sky

End to End Solutions

Sourcing products in partnership with Focus Sourcing India, from product development to shipping the final product, can offer a comprehensive solution for your business needs. Here's an overview of the steps involved in this process:

Product Development

Supplier Sourcing

Quality Assurance



Logistics & Shipping

Documentation & Compliance

Timely Delivery


Payment Terms

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